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News and Events

14.4.2025 Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Law and University of Bologna, Faculty of Law organize the international round table “Forum Shopping: Balancing Party Autonomy and Legal Certainty?
3.2.2025 Our teachers, Professor Gábriš, Professor Laclavíková and Associate Professor Vyšný will participate in the international conference “Continuity and Discontinuity of Legal Systems after WWII in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland: The Difficult Heritage (1944/1945-1989).“ The conference will take place in Kraków between 3 and 5 February 2025.
Schedule of the conference
More information:
28.1.2025 Dr. Paweł Zając, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Public Administration of the Academy in Lomza (Poland), and Vicedean Dr. Ewa Jakubiak visited our faculty, where we signed an Erasmus+ contract.
27.9.2024 Dean of the Faculty, Professor Novotná, welcomed Professor Glavinis, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Aristotle University in Thessaloniki who held a keynote lecture at the conference of the Department of Historical Law and Legal Methodology.


7.7.2024: Professor Gábriš held a lecture  in Seoul, South Korea (workshop Methodology of Law and Methodology of Legal Scholarship in the Law School Curricula as part of the World Congress of Legal Philosophy).
17.4.2024 Our April meeting with the representatives of UNHCR, Nina Hager and Daniel Molnári, and Miroslava Mittelmannová from the Human Rights League. It was our great pleasure discussing further cooperation with both partners, including lectures and internships. At the meeting, we discussed the importance of providing help to refugees, the importance of NGOs, the necessity of involving students in legal help, and the history and future of our well-established clinical education focused on asylum and migration law.

15.11.2023 The Dean of the Faculty of Law, Uzhhorod National University, delivered a lecture for our students on the topic: ´Preparation of Ukraine for the integration process into the European Union.´ 

23.10.2023 Our teachers, Associate Professor Peter Varga and Dr. Monika Martišková took part in a round table connected with a workshop called the Inspireurope+ Leadership Roundtable 2 -regional- at Aristotle University in Greece. The subject of the discussion was support for the adoption of measures by universities in favor of researchers from countries where they are not allowed to work, research, and educate at universities.
The organizer was Scholars at Risk, an international network of higher education institutions and individuals working to protect scholars at risk and promote academic freedom - photograph

16.05.2023 Dean of the Faculty of Law, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs visited the Faculty of Law, Trnava University - photograph

01.04.2023 Professor Claudio Sarra (Padova, Italy) visited the Faculty of Law and delivered a lecture on Legal Informatics, Metaverse, and Bioethics.

30.03.2023 Professor Hans Ingvar Filip Roth (Stockholm, Sweden) visited the Faculty of Law and delivered a lecture on The Relevance of the Universal Declaration in the World Today to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

08.03.2023 Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom co-organised the online international scientific conference Women in the Church and Religious Societies.
01.12.2022: Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Faculty of Law of the Trnava University in Trnava and Wydział Prawa i Administracji w Akademii Sztuki Wojennej (Poland) (photo)
01.12.2022: Vice-dean for Development, dr. Moravčíková, got awarded for proactive support and valuable assistance provided to Ukraine and Ukrainians in Slovakia, long-standing and fruitful cooperation between Law Faculty of Trnava University in Trnava and the Faculty of Law of Uzhhorod National University, contribution made to the growing prominence of Ukrainian juridical education and science among European universities.
29.11.2022: Faculty of Law of Trnava University, in co-organization with the ELTE University in Budapest and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, invites teachers and students of the University to an event: Slovak-Hungarian Morning.
04.10.2022: Faculty of Law organizes the International Cooperation Day (ICD).
29. - 30.09.2022: The Faculty of Law co-organizes the international scientific congress Trnava Days of Law.
03.06.2022: Two members of the Faculty of Law gave a speech on the freedom of movement in the European Union at a round table for Indian students. The Slovak and Indian coordinators organized this event under the Jean Monnet Project on 3d June 2022. More information here.
25.03.2022: The Faculty of Law of Trnava University joins the world in mourning the passing of Mrs. Madeleine Albright. We had the privilege to provide an internship to a Fellow from the Albright Institute for Global Affairs at Wellesley College. We hope to develop the legacy of this cooperation, and we thank Mrs. Albright for everything she did for society.
Cherishing the letter from Mrs. Albright,
The Faculty Members

25.02.2022: Statement on Current Events: The Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava values democratic principles, adherence to the principles of international law, and peaceful conflict resolution. The Faculty stands by all its international students regardless of their nationality. In need of help due to the current situation, they are encouraged to contact the Faculty Management:

22.02.2022: The Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava co-organises the online lecture series and round tables in Russian and English "Евразия / EurAsia: Европа и Азия: религия, право и межкультурная связь / Europe and Asia: Religion, Law and cross-cultural Connectivity". For more information click here or visit the webpage:

21.02.2022: The Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava co-organises the international scientific conference Transcarpathian Legal Readings that will take place in Uzhhorod (Ukraine) on 28 - 29 April 2022. For more information about the conference click here.

20.02.2022: Dr. Michaela Moravčíková, a researcher and lecturer at the Law Faculty in Trnava University, takes part in the Jean Monnet Project – Strengthening and Promoting EU Studies Across India (SAPHIRE), co-Funded by European Union:

17.02.2022: The lectures of Professor Gábriš and Dr. Lanczová (Department of Legal History), recorded under the Visegrad Project on the topic "Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in the Postwar Successor States (1918–1939)", are available here:…

Various lecturers from the V4 countries spoke on interwar law in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. Available on the web page are their lectures and English translations of selected legal interwar regulations, too.

01.10.2021: Distinguished Colleagues, The Department of Legal History invites you to join the online webinar Difficult Heritage: Interwar Codification Movement in Central and Eastern Europe (1918-1939). The webinar is part of the project "Continuity and Discontinuity of Pre-war Legal Systems in the Postwar Successor States (1918–1939)". The webinar will take place on October 07, 2021. The webinar program is available on the website: . To participate in the webinar, please register at . You will receive the MS Teams link at the provided email address. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

15.09.2021: The Department of Legal History currently prepares the conference proceeding Legal-Historical Trends and Perspectives VI. We thank all the conference authors for submitting their proceedings papers.