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Možnosť prihlásiť sa na letnú školu V4+ Law Student Summit

Vážené študentky, vážení študenti,
dávame do pozornosti možnosť zúčastniť sa na letnej škole V4 Law Student Summit v Maďarsku (Győr) v dňoch 4.-6. júla 2024.

Na letnej škole sú pokryté všetky náklady (účastnícky poplatok, ubytovanie, strava 3x denne) s výnimkou cestovného.

Dear Law Students of Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria,

Are you interested in the future of justice? Are you eager to expand your legal knowledge and connect with professionals and students from Central Europe? 

Look no further than the V4 Law Student Summit 2024!

The V4+ Law Student Summit is an exciting opportunity for law students from Central Europe to  connect with legal professionals and peers from different backgrounds. 

As an interdisciplinary conference, it offers a platform for students to explore current legal issues and trends, as well as opportunities for professional development and networking.

As a free conference, it provides an inclusive space for students to engage with diverse perspectives and build their confidence and credibility in the legal profession.
Hosted by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium, a renowned talent management institution, the summit is organized by students, for students, and represents a unique opportunity to promote professional and

scientific cooperation in the region. 

With its emphasis on the future of justice, the V4 Law Student Summit promises to be a transformative experience for all attendees.

If you are a law student with confident English language skills, be sure to apply by the deadline and take advantage of this exceptional opportunity!

Prihlášku nájdete tu:

Prihlasovanie: do 30.4.2024.

Skúsenosť nášho študenta, ktorý letnú školu absolvoval:

,,Ide o veľmi kvalitný event organizovaný pre študentov z celej V4 v maďarskom meste Győr. 

Zúčastnil som sa už dvakrát po sebe a musím povedať, že ide o naozaj skvelú príležitosť, kde majú študenti nie len možnosť sa navzájom spoznať, ale vypočuť si aj zaujímavých panelistov z celej Európy z rôznych oblastí práva."
