Pozývame Vás na diskusiu o európskej bezpečnosti a kyberbezpečnosti v rámci Truniverzitných debát.
The event is suitable for Erasmus students, too:
Our students from the Faculty of Law will discuss together with Marcel Vysocky, Doctor of Law on European security and Cybersecurity in Europe. The discussion will be in Slovak, but the text in the presentations will be in English, and all the debaters will be English-speaking. In case you are interested, you can join the online debate via MS Teams on 7 April 2022 and ask what interests you.
Our students from the Faculty of Law will discuss together with Marcel Vysocky, Doctor of Law on European security and Cybersecurity in Europe. The discussion will be in Slovak, but the text in the presentations will be in English, and all the debaters will be English-speaking. In case you are interested, you can join the online debate via MS Teams on 7 April 2022 and ask what interests you.

dátum udalosti:
07. apríl, 2022
udalosť končí:
07. apríl, 2022