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Súťaž pre študentov práva "Junior Crystal Scales of Justice"

Milé študentky, milí študenti,

dávame Vám do pozornosti súťaž pre študentov práva "Junior Crystal Scales of Justice".

Vyhlasovateľ súťaže je CEPEJ - The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice.


"We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd edition of the "Junior Crystal Scales of Justice" Prize - Edition 2024, jointly organised by the CEPEJ and the Faculty of Law of Strasbourg, has been launched.

This Prize complement the existing Crystal Scales Justice Prize and is open to students preparing a Master degree in a Law Faculty of one of the member States of the Council of Europe or of an observer State to the CEPEJ. This Prize is organized every two years, alternating with the existing Crystal Scales Justice Prize.

For this 2024 edition, the participating teams of students will have to defend one of the awarded projects of the 2023 Crystal Scales Justice Prize. Namely, through legal analysis and research, they will have to pinpoint the innovative aspects of the assigned project and study its possible transposition into another context or another State.

The deadline for the submission of applications for the Junior Crystal Scales of Justice Prize is 12 December 2023The deadline for the submission of the complete files containing a legal analysis of a winning project of the 2023 Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, a research paper on the possible implementation of the winning project in other contexts or countries and a summary of the file submitted is 5 April 2024."

You will find all the relevant information on this Prize on the web page Junior European Crystal Scales of Justice Prize - European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) (