Môžete si tiež vybrať z viacerých predmetov, ktoré sa vyučujú v anglickom jazyku,* napr.:
Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, Slovak Legal History, Legal History Talks, EU Gender Equality Law, European Migration Law, International Law and Globalization of World Politics, European Law, Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights, Patient´s Rights, Sports Law, Introduction to the Criminology, Sui Generis Entities in Public International Law, Environmental Law, European Competition Law, Introduction to the Criminal Law, Labour Law, Substantive European Law, Commercial Law, Civil Procedure Law, Corporate Transactions and Litigation, European and Slovak Consumer Law
*(alternatívou k anglickému jazyku sú predmety v nemeckom jazyku, napr.: Grundlagen des römischen Privatrecht, Seminar aus römischem Schuld- und Erbrecht, Europäisches Deliktsrecht, Zivilrecht)